Get Help Creating Policies and Procedures

If you need policies and procedures for your organisation and you're not sure where to start, or you want to be assured you are on the right track with what you currently have, then this practical hands on workshop is for you.

This workshop will cover:

  • What is level 1 – Priority & legally required
  • What is level 2 – Good practice to ensure continuity of decision making
  • What is level 3 – Nice/aspirational but not legally required
  • How to format, language that includes staff/volunteer involvement
  • How to use the resultant Policies & Procedures as “living documents” so they do not get out of date or stale/irrelevant

Facilitator: Denise Lormans, Manager Community Trust Law
Denise has worked for many decades in the social sector with the last 16 years being spent in the development and continued growth of Community Law Services in NZ as well as being the Manager for the Southland Community Law Centre. She has experience with the Ministry of Justice to write practice standards as well as policy and procedure manuals for all Community Law Centres. She is on several NGO Trust Boards and continues to dedicate her time working on positive outcomes for people living in our community.