Fiordland Business Association

Important info re: Fiordland Housing Project

We’re excited to present a detailed update on the Fiordland Housing Project. The past three months have been a period of significant activity for our volunteer Board. Please remember that the online project hub remains active and continues to be refreshed with the latest information and imagery to this proposal.

Supporting the Fiordland business community.


When Fiordland businesses join the Southland Business Chamber they are investing in their business, their people, the overall wellbeing of the community, and helping the Fiordland Business Association (FBA) achieve their purpose.  

Formed in 2021, FBA is an inclusive member group of business owners and managers who interact with local business, community groups and organisations alongside the general community to encourage and support community growth in Fiordland.

Purpose – Why FBA exists

To positively connect, support and advocate for the Fiordland business community. 

Core values

  • Represent: The collective voice for business in Fiordland.
  • Prosper: Actively support health and well-being of our business community.
  • Sustain: Consider long-term benefits for the wider community in all decisions. 

Strategic Focus 2023-24

Easy movement of people and goods in and out of the region.

Key Issues

  • Airport, Milford Road, Cycle Trail (one way in/out)
    Milford Opportunities, Public Transport, Freight
  • Addressing housing challenges
    Affordable worker housing, Retirement Village options


How will FBA achieve this?

  1. Strive to be a diverse committee that is sustainable, committed, approachable, and informed so we can say and do the right thing on behalf of our business community to ensure our collective voice is heard. 
  2. Build and grow engagement of the business community, to be better together. 
  3. Actively support the health and well-being of our business community by bringing people together with care and consideration for one another. 
  4. Support the community to thrive by being progressive and focused on what will truly benefit the collective. 


The Chamber offer businesses and organisations in the greater Fiordland area (including Manapouri, Te Anau and Milford Sound) regional subscription rates (20% discount). Click here to learn more about Chamber membership. 

Contact FBA by emailing, follow them on Facebook, and click here to subscribe to FBA e-Newsletters.  

We are better 

Fiordland Housing Project

A unique initiative is addressing the accommodation shortage impacting both businesses and public services in the area.

FBA Committee

Nathan Benfell

Shakespeare House

Kylie Krippner

David Prendergast

Kate Macdonald

Breidi Alexander