14 December 2023
Merry Christmas

Sheree, Nikita, Leanne, Larni, Nikki, Brendan, Nigel, Regina, Pauline, Joanne, Lynn
What a fantastic 2023 we’ve had at the Chamber, it’s been exceptionally busy, but we’ve loved every part of supporting our members.
We’re excited to share some great pre-Christmas news!
The newly established Southland Business Chamber Innovation Centre was selected as one of the Community Activator Projects for the Community Development Fund, which is administered jointly by Rio Tinto, NZAS and Murihiku Rūnaka representatives. Thank you to all involved for supporting our project. Click here to learn more.
This year we held over 120 events & training programmes, welcomed many new businesses into the Chamber family, established the new Business & Innovation Centre in the CBD, gained 3 fabulous new staff & promoted our members & the region all over the world with the second run of our Southland Monopoly initiative – now we need a wee break.
Our Invercargill office will close at 5pm on Tuesday 19 December and re-open 8.30am Monday 15 January. So, if you have ordered Monopoly – Southland Edition and you want it for under the Christmas tree, make sure you come in and see us before we close.
A big thank you to our members, my team, and board, especially our Chair Neil McAra for all the support and guidance throughout another crazy year – I look forward to what 2024 will bring.
Have a safe & happy Christmas break with your whanau & friends.
Ngā mihi nui
Sheree Carey