3 April 2023
The first Leadership Academy for 2023 concluded last week with a celebration ceremony. Congratulations to the graduates who bring the numbers of alumni to 268 individuals who have committed to building their leadership capacity.
- Kelly Burgess, ILT (Invercargill Licensing Trust)
- Sarah Matheson, Back Country Foods
- Sarah Brown, Invercargill Public Art Gallery
- Caleb Burke, fi innovations
- Alana Conroy, Transcare 2021 Ltd
- Amy de Vries, Awarua Whanau Services
- Sheree Williams, SW Real Estate
- Leeann Tautari, Rent South Ltd
- Amie Young, Great South
- Charlotte Scoles, South Port NZ
- Anna Ford, Copeland Ashcroft Law
- Jo Fife, Invercargill City Council
Our thanks to the inspiring presenters for their continued support.
- Paddy O’Brien, World Rugby / ILT (Invercargill Licensing Trust)
- Geoff Finnerty, South Port NZ
- Richard Roberts
- Chris Blenkiron, New Zealand Aluminium Smelters
- Dean Addie, EIS Automation & Electrical
- Dougal McGowan, Football South
- Danny Leonard, PowerNet
- Jocelyn O’Donnell, HW Richardson Group
Lastly, thanks again to Blue River Dairy LP and Bank of New Zealand for their continued support of this programme.