11 November 2022
Young Enterprise Scheme Regional Finals 2022
As our 2022 YES year comes to an end, the YES Regional Finals were held recently and what an incredible day we had. We truly have some budding entrepreneurs. From toothpaste to t-shirts, fire starters to poo fertiliser, it was a very tough decision for our panel of judges to find the winning business. Our student of the year was awarded to Ava Aitken, Financial Director of Pure Skin. Ava has a passion for business and entrepreneurship. Her ability to build relationships with key stakeholders has served her YES team well in 2022. Our Southland Company of the Year was awarded to Aubrey Page – a sole trader from Southland Boys’ High School with his business Eco-Smile. Sustainable, plastic-free, vegan and gluten free Toothpaste tablets in a tin suitable for the tramper and outdoor adventurer. Southland Boys’ have taken out the Company of the Year for the second year running. Aubrey heads to Wellington next month to pitch his business in the national finals, along with 20 other regions. We wish Aubrey all the best, and we are sure he will do Southland proud. Our regional Young Enterprise Scheme, will not be possible without our local sponsors. Going far and beyond their sponsorship obligations, these businesses offer so much more – continually throughout the year they are our judges, our student mentors, and our speed coaches. Our sponsors are committed to inspire our young Southland students to discover their potential in business and in life. Thank you so much. Proud to be a Southlander. |